Grass Mowing and More
Good day to you and yours friends. Thank you for stopping by and reading this blog. If you find any value in it at all, please pass it along to someone you know. As always, this forum exists for conversation. While I really appreciate all of you who read this, I’m really looking for comments, dialogue….I want to know what your experience is. Life is, or should be – a shared journey. Look around, it’s no accident we’re surrounded by billions of other people. We weren’t intended to go through life alone, and when we take time to listen to others, the potential exists for us to learn and grow, to become better people because of time and thoughts shared with others. So, here’s what’s on my mind….
Earlier this week, I mowed my yard for the first time since my medical procedure, that would be some 3 ½ weeks ago now. Fortunately, I was blessed to have a friend send over a yard crew a couple weeks back so I wasn’t facing a complete jungle. But with edging, the hedges needing attention and the front and back yard to mow, I knew it would be quite a task – especially since I hadn’t been “released” by my doctor to resume such activity until just a couple days earlier. I am happy to report things went well, no problems. It took a little longer because I intentionally took my time so I didn’t “over do” it, but all is good – I felt fine every step of the way.
Now here’s where I might lose you, but I enjoy mowing my yard. Yes it’s work, but unlike other things in my life, I enjoy immediate results when I do it. The payoff for the effort is very clear, it’s the same reason I don’t mind ironing my own clothes, but that’s another story I guess. I suppose I’m merely a product of the society I live in – instant coffee, microwave cooking, convenience stores, etc. The western culture really caters to such a mentality. You want it…you got it.
However, I’ve found that the really important things in my life don’t exist in the parameters of this mindset. I’m talking about the relationships in my life, which I consider the most valuable things I have. There’s not one of them that I can put forth an effort into and see immediate results. Yes, my wife and children respond to kind words and acts of love and affection, and don’t forget gifts…they like gifts too! But those things don’t make a relationship, time does. And it’s over the course of time that my friends and family really come to know me. And the relationships in my life that last are the ones that after we know each other, I mean really know each other warts and all, we still care about each other. And the only way to do that is over time.
Which brings me to my most important relationship, the one above all the rest, my relationship with God. It’s been my longest and most consistent, not on my part mind you, but on His. I’ve left Him, I’ve comeback, I’ve ignored Him, I’ve acted like I never knew Him and he still loves me, period. I don’t have to jump through hoops, I don’t have to act a certain way, I don’t have to do anything, and He loves me. I wish I was as consistent.
He’s done incredible, miraculous things in my life – saving me from a drug addiction and allowing doctors to find a huge problem with my heart before it was damaged or killed me, just to name a couple. And yet, often times I find myself viewing our relationship like I do my lawn - I want to put forth the effort and see immediate results. Our relationship doesn’t work that way, and really I’m glad it doesn’t.
I don’t want a Santa Claus who I hand my wish list to, or a slot machine that I take my chances with. I want to know the heart of my Creator. I want to know who He believes I am and what I’m capable of. And I want to be able to see others around me the way He sees them as well. And that only happens over time.
Yes, I’ve known His power when my drug addiction was gone in an instant. Yes, I’ve seen His mercy when doctors said, “You are a very lucky man, most people don’t go home from this.” But it’s only over time that I discover His faithfulness to provide for me, His love that doesn’t stop when I’m an absolute jerk, and His Spirit that gives me strength and guides me when I seek Him.
I’m not here to try to convince you to believe in God, not my job. I just want to share with you my experience. More than anything, I hope you have relationships in your life that are meaningful. Because after all, the satisfaction I get from mowing grass doesn’t last that long. In fact….I think I hear it growing now!
What’s your experience?