Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Apologies and Superbowl Sweetness

Wow! I am so sorry to all my friends who have been commenting and probably felt like they've been dismissed. Apparently, in the change-over and tweaking going on ant Blogger, all the comments you've been leaving have been amassed in cyberspace, and I just saw them today! I have published all, which is my official policy, so know that if you comment the world will see it. That's really the goal here, to have dialogue with whoever may surf by. I really think we have so much to learn from one another, collectively speaking, if we'll just take the time to listen. That's why I value each one of you so have thoughts I want to hear. Now, here are mine today......

For the rock dwellers in the crowd - the Superbowl is this coming Sunday. Da' Bears (from Chicago) and the Colts (from Indianapolis) are just days away from deciding who is the best this year in the game of Western / Americanized football. I state it that way because the rest of the world regards football as an entirely different game, anywho......

Peyton Manning is quarterback for the Colts, his father is Archie Manning who played quarterback for the New Orleans Saints through the 70's before finishing his career with the Houston Oilers (82-83) and then the Minnesota Vikings (83-84). Archie Manning is highly regarded as one of the greats to play the position of quarterback, he led the league in many statistics during his career, and yet his teams were never able to have winning records. but Archie knew his stuff and could play quarterback.

Now his son Peyton is playing in the pinnacle game for an NFL quarterback. By the way, he has another son - Eli, who plays quarterback for the New York Giants (another NFL team). You're probably thinking that there must be a "quarterback gene" in the Manning family. To my knowledge there isn't such a thing, even though the odds of 3 members of the same family ever attaining such levels of play in the NFL makes one wonder. No, I think the reason for the success of the Manning's is more simple.

There is no doubt that Archie worked hard to achieve his success, but it's what he did with the knowledge he had that produced the success in his sons. Peyton and Eli probably ate their meals with a football in their lap. Time with dad always included throwing the ball around the yard. And beyond the physical aspects of the game, dad would share the mental part of it too. Like the need to "see" the field, read the defenses, and on and on. But the way Archie shared this with his boys is what I believe is the real reason for their success. You see, Archie Manning never told his boys they had to play football, he never punished them for not practicing, and he never made them feel like the game was more important to him than they were. His simply shared with them something that he was passionate about. Seeing that passion and the way it excited their father made those boys hungry to know more about it. I don't think anyone can deny that they learned well, they too have a passion for the game.

Too many of us take a more abrasive approach with the talent and passions we have. We often try to force feed those who might listen our dogma, or system. It could be anything - a talent for cooking, a passion for God, a love of our profession, and the list goes on. Children are a typical target, but we do the same with friends and family to try and get them "onboard" with the stuff that excites us. It's very natural for us to want others to be interested in the things that give us joy and comfort. But it's not natural to be bullied or forced to embrace it, in fact we find that approach repelling.

Today I encourage you to share your passion with someone. First, you may have to identify it; what is that thing that brings you great joy? And then let that joy show for it. I promise others around you will notice and take interest. Not everyone, but who may plant a seed for a future quarterback, or lawyer, or pastor, or farmer, or .............................

The Manning story really makes a much-hyped, overblown game a little sweeter for me personally. What about you?


Tuesday, January 23, 2007

The Important Stuff

Here I am, in West Texas, middle America; it's before 8am and all across the television airwaves there is a live broadcast announcing the nominees for the Academy Awards. You know the little golden "Oscar" trophy....

And I ask myself, "Is this the best we can do?" Unfortunately, those who pull the strings about those things think so. And that's precisely why America has the reputation it does around the world. People around the world are dying in wars, dying because they're hungry, dying of exposure because they have no homes, disease for lack of medicine, and the list goes on and on.

That which occupies the airwaves this morning makes me ashamed, and yet I am just as guilty on a personal level. I tend to get more worked up about my "stuff" than the list I just mentioned, and for that I'm sorry. God, break my heart for the things that break Your heart...the important stuff.


Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Happy New Year (Late)

Hey there...Happy New Year! Okay, so I'm ten days late, but it turns out Blogger was updating and tinkering with the system so I couldn't get in to post. I hope your new year is off to a good start - I was talking with someone yesterday and when I asked them how the new year was treating them they replied, "It hasn't been long enough for me to do any harm!" I understood completely.

So, are you like most people who see this as a new beginning, or opportunity to start fresh? I don't know what got me thinking along these lines, but I'm curious as to why we do that. Why do we mark time? With calendars, with watches, etc.? I understand seasons and such as it relates to preparing for the weather and all, but as a whole, people are very hung up on time. I'm even guilty of it myself, I often think in terms of having only so much time to get something done or accomplish something. Where am I going with this, you may ask...

God isn't concerned with time. I doubt He has a watch or even a sun dial. No, His view is eternal - forever, there is no end. And He's promised that for us as well. The more I ponder this, the less concerned I am about time. Each day becomes an adventure, an opportunity, an experience. I think that's what God has in mind for us in this life - a succesion of days and years (our terms) that hold the promise of newness and fullness and awe and wonder. When was the last time you felt any of that?! It's available, I know that. The question is - "Are we in tune with it?" Sadly, many days I'm not. But the hope of trying again after a night's rest is worth the effort.

So, a New Year's wish for you: May you walk in the wonder of this life. May each waking moment, and even your dreams, give you glimpses of your Creator's intent for your existence. May you come to know the truth of His love and walk in the immeasurable joy He has for you.
