
Howdy! That’s Texas speak for “hi”, if you didn’t know.
So, continuing the thought of the current day church being broken and far removed from what Jesus intended when He said to Peter, “…upon this rock I will build my church, and all the powers of hell will not conquer it. And I will give you the keys of the Kingdom of Heaven.” Matt. 16: 18-19 NLT
I’m reminded that the early Christ followers did so under the threat of death, which as it turns out, was more than a threat. Most of the early believers died at the hands of the government and religious leaders by crucifixion or stoning because of the threat they posed to the power held by those entities.
So I ask you, is the “church” of today threatening or dangerous at all? Do you ever hear anyone worried that organized religion is going to shake up the status quo and bring about real change in society? Perhaps the medical community is worried that too many people are being healed in Jesus’ name, or the welfare department is concerned of going out of business because believers can’t sleep at night knowing a fellow human is hungry. I did hear once that going to church could in fact cause death…..from boredom!!!! (That was a joke when I heard it and I say it as one now - but it was born from a bit of truth.)
Let me repeat – following Jesus isn’t an institution or religion. It’s an eye-opening, life-changing choice that will, by His very nature, put you at odds with the ways of this world. Shame on those of us who are satisfied with the modern-day church system as we know it, and are willing to call that following Jesus. I’m praying for following Jesus to once again become dangerous.