Snow is falling in West Texas this morning. Not much, but enough to remind me that winter isn’t quite finished even though I am thoroughly ready for spring to arrive. I am reminded today that it is God who holds time in His hands and not me…all things happen in His time, not mine. I hope today that wherever you are, you are warm, healthy and happy – the first two contributing to the last!
I was pondering a verse today from the book of Exodus in the Bible. Chapter 9 verse 16 says “But I have let you live for this reason – that you might see my power and that my fame might spread throughout the earth.” This was part of the message God gave Moses to tell Pharaoh when he sent Moses back to Egypt to free Israel from slavery. Now this is just part of the message for Pharaoh, but it captured my thoughts today, here’s why:
As a believer in God Almighty, Creator of heaven and earth, I operate in the belief that my life is not my own – it belongs to Him and I do my best to live it in a way that honors Him. This verse reminds me that all life belongs to Him, not just believers. He is at work in the lives of everyone.
There are plenty of other places in the Bible that support this, but this particular verse speaks of our actions in the midst of God being God. We can cooperate with Him, or not; but neither action will change the fact that He is moving in the world. His purpose will trump our behavior every time. That may or may not bring you to the same question that it does for me…so I’ll state it here: “What is His purpose?”
As it’s stated in that particular verse – “that you might see my power and that my fame might spread throughout the earth.” More questions…..Is God an egocentric deity? Is He starved for attention? Why doesn’t He just set the hills on fire, or do a little sky writing to make Himself known? Simple answer….He desires a relationship with each of us.
Each soul, each life is precious to Him. He longs for us to know Him. Not just know of Him, but to know His heart, and the depth of love He has for us. When we begin to know Him, which like any relationship takes some effort; our lives begin to reflect His passions and purposes. When we see others suffering through life for whatever reason, our hearts begin to ache like His does, and we begin to move with Him to cooperate in changing those situations. And we begin to see His power and His fame spreads throughout the earth.
My cooperation with God has let me witness some pretty incredible things in my life (His power), and because I’ve seen that, I can’t shut up about it (His fame). What about you? Are you a willing participant in this life or not? No judgment here, I’m confident God will use you either way.
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