Happy New Year
Happy New Year!!
Perhaps a few days late, but is it ever really too late to wish someone happiness? By now perhaps you’ve made your resolutions, maybe even kept them so far; but I simply wanted to share a few things you might find helpful in the new year.
I have to admit that 2007 was a tough year for my family and me. Some of it I’ve shared here, and some I’ve kept to myself – but trust me, 2007 won’t be remembered as one of my favorites. Regardless of that, I’ve persevered by standing on 3 simple things. Here they are:
Faith. When this life gets crazy and the stress of it begins to take it’s toll on me; remembering that there is One who is in control of it all helps – even if I don’t understand it. Another way I’ve heard this said is, “There is a God and you are not Him.” I need to believe in something bigger than myself because, as I’ve said before, my own best efforts have resulted in running things in the ditch, a place I don’t much like being.
Hope. This one builds on the first actually. It helps to build hope when you believe in the One who holds the future. This life and world we live in doesn’t offer much lasting hope, it’s all very temporary at best. Real hope doesn’t exist in tangible things. No, real hope exists in the heart which holds your thoughts, ideas and dreams. To have hope means to have a future. Keep your hope alive at all costs.
Love. What can I say? Love is the driving force in this life. I believe it fuels most all of human interaction whether it’s seeking it, returning it, dealing with losing it, etc.; it’s a powerful motivator. But more than that, it is life sustaining. When things get tough for me, the love of family and friends is the most comforting thing in the world. It doesn’t change situations much, but it lets me know I’m not alone. And when I think that God sent His Son to die for my junk just so I can be with Him for eternity, well….there is no greater love I know.
So, for 2008 I not only wish you a “happy” new year, but one filled with much faith, hope and love as well. See you down the path.
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